Siirry sisältöön

Asianajotoimisto Tatu Pylvänäinen Oy,

045 207 2738


Kauppakatu 3 B 22, 33200 Tampere

Lautatarhankatu 10, 00580 Helsinki



The attorneys of Asianajotoimisto Tatu Pylvänäinen Oy are registered to a register of attorneys held by The Finnish Bar Association. The attorney`s professional title has been issued in Finland.

The approval of attorneys is done by Finnish Bar Association. The contact information of Finnish Bar Association are: Finnish Bar Association, P.O. Box 194 (visiting address Simonkatu 12 B), 00101 Helsinki, tel. (09) 6866 120,

Asianajotoimisto Tatu Pylvänäinen Oy has been registered in the Trade Register which is kept by Finnish Patent and Registration Office. The Business ID of Asianajotoimisto Tatu Pylvänäinen Oy is 3409619-4 and value added taxation code is FI34096194.

Asianajotoimisto Tatu Pylvänäinen Oy has a property liability insurance as required by the Finnish Bar Association. The contact information of the insurance company is:

Keskinäinen Vakuutusyhtiö Fennia (Business ID: 0196826-7), 00017 Fennia. Tel. 010 503 8808.

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